Deus in machina – AI Jesus

Deus in machina – AI Jesus

(read this post in German here)

Spiritual Avatars

The Peterskapelle Luzern launched an innovative project in collaboration with the Immersive Realities Research Lab, which examines the use of virtual characters in a spiritual context. These characters have been created based on generative AI.

Part of this project was an art installation, which visitors were able to experience for the duration of two months in the confession booth of the Peterskapelle. The installation enabled the visitors to interact with the character of AI Jesus, who listened to their questions and offered answers in one hundred different languages.

From this dialogue between human and AI, important questions arose: Can a machine address a person in a religious and spiritual manner? Can humans entrust existential questions to a machine and accept its answers? How does AI behave in a spiritual context? The project „Deus in Machina“ aims to foster thought and discussions about the limits of technology in the context of religion.

The Immersive Realities Research Lab is conducting a related study together with the Pastoraltheologischen Fakultät der Universität Luzern and the Peterskapelle Luzern. The aim of the study is to examine the topics and themes, which are mentioned in conversations with AI systems for spiritual purposes. It also analyses how the AI reacts to and works with those topics and themes.

The project was realised in the context of the 100 year anniversary of the Lukasgesellschaft (Artmap).
The exhibition is also part of the Lucerne city art festival Kunsthoch.

From August 23rd to October 20th, the visitors could interact with the artwork in the Peterkapelle Luzern. There were several events during which the developers were present.

Vernissage „Anschalten der Maschine“
August 23rd, 2024, 19:00.

Lesung mit KI 12nach12
August 31st, 2024, 12:12.

Finissage „Abschalten der Maschine“
Oktober 20th, 2024, 17:00.

Symposium „Sakrale Simulation: Die KI im spirituellen Dialog“
27. November, 18:30.


The machine was turned off on October 20th. A finissage was conducted, during which there was an open discussion with the visitors. There was a final conversation with AI Jesus about the topics death and life after death.

Related Press Publications

The Guardian
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Deus in machina: Swiss church installs AI-powered Jesus
Daily Mail
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SRF 2 Kultur
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Project Facts

Project typeService
Project partnerPeterskapelle Luzern
Project teamPhilipp Haslbauer, Aljosa Smolic, Mike Pullen