
Projekt Workbook #1 and #2 

Projekt Workbook #1 and #2 

Das VA-PEPR Workbook #1 und #2 – ein umfassender Überblick über das Projekt ist veröffentlicht.

Embracing digital offboarding as a design challenge

Embracing digital offboarding as a design challenge

Paper presented at the IASDR 2023 Conference: Life-Changing Design in Milan, Italy

Innovating for Sustainable Use: The Different Faces of Trust in Private Household Technologies

Innovating for Sustainable Use: The Different Faces of Trust in Private Household Technologies

Paper presented at the 24th International CINet Conference Conference in September 2023 in Linz, Austria

Privacy Intermediaries: A Business Model Perspective

Privacy Intermediaries: A Business Model Perspective

Paper presented at the 24th International CINet Conference Conference in September 2023 in Linz, Austria

VA-PEPR war in Hong Kong!

VA-PEPR war in Hong Kong!

Unsichtbares sichtbar machen: Können wir den Datenverkehr im Heimnetzwerk für die Nutzer greifbar machen?

Analysing the Use of Voice Assistants in Domestic Settings Through the Lens of Activity Theory

Analysing the Use of Voice Assistants in Domestic Settings Through the Lens of Activity Theory

Paper accepted for the 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

VA-PEPR presented at CHI'23 Workshop

VA-PEPR presented at CHI’23 Workshop

Short paper accepted for the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Workshop

User Perceptions and Attitudes in the Data Economy and their Contradictions

User Perceptions and Attitudes in the Data Economy and their Contradictions

Study presented at the 16th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, in Venice, Italy

Voice assistants in private households: A conceptual framework for future research in an interdisciplinary field

Voice assistants in private households: A conceptual framework for future research in an interdisciplinary field

Journal article published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications

Digital natives aren’t concerned much about privacy, or are they?

Digital natives aren’t concerned much about privacy, or are they?

Journal article published in i-com

Alexa, It’s Me! An Online Survey on the User Experience of Smart Speaker Authentication

Alexa, It’s Me! An Online Survey on the User Experience of Smart Speaker Authentication

Study presented at Mensch und Computer 2022 Conference, in Darmstadt, Germany

Veröffentlichung von ersten ethischen Ergebnissen

Veröffentlichung von ersten ethischen Ergebnissen

Zwei Forschungspapiere an der Ethicomp 2022 Konferenz in Finnland präsentiert 

Value in Digital Technologies and Services

Value in Digital Technologies and Services

Paper presented at the 16th International Conference of Knowledge Management in Organisations 2022 in Hagen, Germany

Teilnahme an der ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’22) 

Teilnahme an der ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’22) 

Resultate der spekulativen Design Workshops präsentiert von Dr. Mike Shorter und dem Team

Voice Assistant Use: Herausforderungen im Home-Office

Voice Assistant Use: Herausforderungen im Home-Office

Dr. Jens O. Meissner und das Team nahmen an der EURAM 2022 Konferenz in Winterthur teil

„Hey Google! Risiken der Nutzung von Sprachassistenten“

Sabine Junginger hat an der 51. Fachveranstaltung des  Netzwerk Risikomanagement über „Risiken sozialer Medien für Unternehmen“ gesprochen.

Power to the People: Using Mobile Diary Apps to Collect Ethnographic Data

Power to the People: Using Mobile Diary Apps to Collect Ethnographic Data

Dr. Aysun Aytac erläutert die, bei der In-Home-Studie, angewandte Methode der Datenerhebung.