Holzkreislauf Uri
With its extensive forests and timber industry, the canton of Uri has considerable potential to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and to become a climate-neutral region. Achieving this goal requires targeted efforts. To this end, the CCTP, in collaboration with the cantonal government of Uri and various stakeholders, is carrying out a research project focusing on this initiative.
Trees absorb CO2 as they grow and store carbon in their wood. Whether in forests or used in construction, wood serves as a natural carbon sink and plays a crucial role in helping Switzerland achieve climate neutrality and its net-zero goals by 2050. Uri’s government programme 2020-2024+ addresses this potential by focusing on optimising the local forest and timber industry to reduce atmospheric CO2. It also aims to initiate initiatives and processes that will have a lasting impact beyond the 2020-2024 legislative period.
The local forests of the canton of Uri and the use of wood have a great potential for reducing CO2 in the atmosphere. (Pictures: Office of Forestry and Hunting, CCTP).
An integrated approach involving industry
On the basis of the aforementioned government programme 2020-2024+, the Cantonal Office for Forestry and Hunting has initiated an implementation strategy called “Wood Cycle Uri”. This project was launched with a future conference in March 2022. Representatives of the local forestry, timber construction, energy, furniture manufacturing, recycling and architecture industries discussed ideas and visions. On this basis, implementation projects were developed in collaboration with the Uri Corporation and in dialogue with committed local stakeholders and industry representatives. Sonja Geier from the Competence Centre Typology & Planning in Architecture (CCTP) at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) and Hans Rupli, a long-standing expert in the timber construction industry, have been instrumental in this development. At the same time, researchers at the CCTP are developing a novel approach to the complex interrelationships within the forest-wood value chain and society through the interdisciplinary research project “INNOwood“.
The inauguration of the “Holzkreislauf Uri” was marked by a future conference held in March 2022. Representatives from various sectors, including the local forest, timber construction, energy industries, furniture manufacturing and recycling, as well as architects, participated in a discussion of ideas and visions.
Im Zeichen der Klimadebatte erhält die CO2-Frage immer grössere Bedeutung. Im Gebäudepark Schweiz und im Bauwesen sind die Dekarbonisierung des Gebäudeparks und die Substitution fossiler Energieträger und emissionsintensiver Baustoffe dabei vieldiskutierte Themen.
Im Dokument «Strategie und Regierungsprogramm 2020-2024+» beschreibt der Regierungsrat des Kantons Uri seine konkreten Legislaturziele 2020-2024. Gleichzeitig sollen mit diesem Programm auch Impulse gesetzt und Prozesse angestossen werden, die über diese Legislaturperiode hinaus Wirkung entfalten. Eines der Schwerpunktthemen heisst «Klimaneutrales, energieeffizientes und sicheres Uri» und darin wird folgende Zielsetzung formuliert (sinngemäss): «[..]Erhöhung der Nutzung von Holz aus einheimischen Wäldern vermehrte Verwendung von einheimischem Holz als Baustoff und Energieträger».
Für die Erarbeitung einer breit abgestützten Umsetzungsstrategie wurden von November 2021 bis März 2022 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kompetenzzentrum für Typologie und Planung in Architektur (CCTP) die Grundlagen erarbeitet. Die Erarbeitung hat im Rahmen von einem politischen Workshop sowie einer Zukunftskonferenz stattgefunden. 25 Vertreterinnen und Vertretern aus der Wald-, Holzbau- und Energiewirtschaft, der Möbelbau- und Recyclingbranche sowie Architekturplanung nahmen teil. Damit wurden die Herausforderungen verdichtet. Seit März 2022 werden gemeinsam mit Vertretern aus der Verwaltung und Korporation Uri Konzepte für partizipative Arbeitsgruppen in folgenden Handlungsfeldern erarbeitet:
- Bevölkerung & Werte
- Wirtschaft & Innovation
- Politik & Rahmenbedingungen
Das CCTP der Hochschule Luzern kooperiert dabei mit dem langjährigen Branchenkenner Hans Rupli.
At the Future Conference in March 2022, committed residents of Uri developed a common perspective on the challenges and discussed visions and solutions (Pictures CCTP).
A smaller project group continued to work with these foundations in subsequent workshops and working groups. They analysed developments in forestry and the timber industry that were relevant to the canton of Uri and developed concrete implementation projects. This project group included representatives from industry, business and society, the Uri Corporation, as well as staff from the Uri administration and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The development of the implementation strategy was completed in April 2002.

A well-functioning forest and wood chain promotes regional value creation and secures green jobs.
A working group, coordinated by the Office of Forestry and Hunting, has analysed how to promote the wood chain. This requires targeted initiatives in the forest and wood processing chain. “Wood is not only a sustainable solution to make Uri a climate-neutral location,” explains Wendelin Loretz, Vice President of Uri Corporation, “but it also contributes to regional value creation. A second working group focused on how to make the various values tangible for the population and how to involve young people in the project. A third focus was the long-term securing of climate protection services in the forests of Uri. The use of local wood secures jobs and at the same time enables the forests in Uri to protect against natural hazards, to provide a habitat for animals and plants, to contribute to biodiversity and to be a valuable recreational area for the population,” says Dimitri Moretti, head of the security department. And Roland Wüthrich, head of the Cantonal Office of Forestry and Hunting, adds: ‘In order to secure these forest services in the long term, it is important to maintain the forest regularly and with a view to the future, so that it remains stable and resilient.
Projects within the «Holzkreislauf Uri»
The implementation projects include actions in the areas of forest, economy and population: a tree planting project in the local forest, a project study to examine the feasibility of a cooperative sawmill integrating the forest and timber chain, a wooden chair project in local schools and a forest and timber guide for Uri are planned. In a second phase from 2025 onwards, further projects from the project pool can be implemented.
Coordinated by the Office for Forestry and Hunting and with scientific, methodological and political advice from Sonja Geier and Hans Rupli, the overall strategic framework of the “Wood Circle Uri” as well as the implementation projects have been designed. This includes the creation of a communication framework for the activities of the “Holzkreislauf Uri” and the creation of a platform for the networking of stakeholders (which is currently under discussion). At the same time, it is important to develop an integrated forest and wood resource policy to ensure a long-term perspective beyond individual project initiatives.
The Political Perspective
The Government Council and the Executive Council of the Corporation of Uri are convinced that the goal of increasing the use of wood from the forests of Uri and of increasing the use of local wood can be efficiently pursued with the diverse, concrete and practical measures. They appreciate the commitment of the involved actors from economy, society and administration.
On 23 May 2023, the government council of Uri approved the realisation of the first projects. The discussion in Uri’s parliament is scheduled for mid-June. The course has thus been set for the implementation of the “Holzkreislauf” projects. The canton of Uri and the Uri Corporation can thus demonstrate how a contribution to climate protection can also strengthen the canton’s position as an attractive residential, tourism and business location.
Dr. Sonja Geier
Project Manager
Competence Centre Typology & Planning in Architecture (CCTP)