
VA-PEPR Science Café at SUPSI

The first Science Café took place at SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland) in Mendrisio

With the aim of sharing and discussing the results of the VA-PEPR project in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, we organized a Science Cafè at the SUPSI (Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana) in Mendrisio on March 1, 2023. Approximately 20 Interaction Design master’s students and 5 researchers from SUPSI participated in this Science Café. Prof. Dr. Sabine Junginger, along with Aurelio Todisco (MA), Dr. Uwe Riss and Dr. Paola Pierri, presented the project, with a special focus on the applied methodology and the key findings of the previous study. The café provided an opportunity to present and discuss the central components of our research methodology as well as the challenges of ethnographic research in the domestic environment.

During the discussion, the outstanding achievement of the VA-PEPR team in recruiting a total of 31 households for the field research was highlighted. Researchers and students at SUPSI also recognized the challenge of finding research participants outside the academic bubble. Therefore, there is a need for exchange and collaboration between research institutions to develop methods that can better involve the general public in academic research activities. The SUPSI Science Café also reflected on the importance of building trust between study participants and researchers.

As the next step, to examine the cultural and linguistic differences in the use of voice assistants in Switzerland, the team is planning focus groups workshops in the French- and Italian-speaking parts of Switzerland, in addition to the upcoming Science Cafè in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland.