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Speak up! Exploring Decentralised Voice Assistant Futures through Speculative Design

VA-PEPR contributed to the re:publica 22 with a Speculative Design Workshop  

Five years ago we were promised the power of voice assistant technology in our lives. This delightful and terrifying prospect exists in over a quarter of German homes, but has failed to live up to the hype. At the Europe’s largest digital society festival re:publica 22, we invited participants to join us to unpack the complexities of these so-called intelligent machines in a speculative design workshop creating the futures we want. 

The workshop was designed based on the initial findings of the speculative design phase of the VA-PEPR research project. It was conducted by VA-PEPR team member Dr. Michael Shorter and E-M LewJong from Common Voice Mozilla and facilitated by the wider team: Dr. Jon Rogers, Dr. Aysun Aytac and Aurelio Todisco, MA.