
Participation at the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’22) 

Results of the speculative design workshops presented by Dr. Mike Shorter and the team

Mike, Shorter, Bettina, Minder, Jon, Rogers, Matthias, Baldauf, Aurelio, Todisco, Sabine, Junginger, Aysun, Aytaç, and Patricia, Wolf. 2022. Materialising the Immaterial: Provotyping to Explore Voice Assistant Complexities. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’22), June 13– 17, 2022, Virtual Event, Australia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages.  

As we are progressing in the research project timeline, the VA-PEPR team has completed the first two phases of the project: Ethnographic in-home studies and RCC Student Household studies. Currently, the third phase of the project, Speculative Design Workshops, continues and we are gradually disseminating the project insights and results.  

Dr. Mike Shorter and the team presented the initial findings of the speculative design workshops at the prestigious Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’22) which had an acceptance rate of 23%.  

The paper discussed three generalisations in respect to the role of provotypes for the exploration of voice assistants. Our findings show provotypes can serve as the necessary props by which we can bring in missing perspectives around this technology and generate material which enables designers to speculate, debate, and sketch out ideas for meaningful futures of voice assistant applications.

Find out more here