Focal Theme Energy Transition and Social Space

This focal theme aims to contribute to achieving the federal 2050 energy strategy by centring socio-spatial aspects in the multi-stakeholder effort towards realising the energy turnaround and in the implementation of technical solutions. “QUBE” and the virtual “Sarnetz” board game are just two of the many projects developed in the framework of this focal theme.

“Thanks to our interdisciplinary research projects with the HSLU, we are in a position to develop innovative solutions for the energy turnaround. A case in point is our QUBE project, which demonstrates that it is possible to create energy solutions that bring added technical and financial value to entire districts, the population and property owners through socio-cultural interventions. In the Solar Design Tools project, we are developing innovative solutions for the production of efficient coloured solar panels, which opens new design possibilities for construction projects.”

Samuel Summermatter, expert in photovoltaic engineering and Co-Managing Director, Plan-E AG

For all projects at a glance (in German), click here.

Thematic areas explored within the focal theme:
  • Systems and co-operations for sites and districts
  • Digital planning tools for energy plans
  • Energy plans at municipal level
  • Building retrofit and refurbishment strategy
  • Technology and acceptance – Sustainable mobility

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