
Dissemination of ethical outcomes of the project kicked-off

Two research articles presented at the Ethicomp 2022 Conference in Finland

Maier, E., Doerk, M., Murri, M., Reimer, U., & Riss, U. (2022). What does privacy mean to users of voice assistants in their homes? Proceedings of the ETHICOMP 2022, 300–313. https://sites.utu.fi/ethicomp2022/proceeding/ 

Riss, U., Maier, E., & Doerk, M. (2022). Perceived risks of the data economy: Autonomy and the case of voice assistants. Proceedings of the ETHICOMP 2022, 375–387. https://sites.utu.fi/ethicomp2022/proceeding/ 

To contribute to a deeper understanding of voice assistant technology, VA-PEPR project aims to inquire into the ethical issues while focusing on the user experience of voice assistants. The results are intended to provide guidance on issues of legal regulation, especially regarding the protection of users’ privacy.

Based on the findings of the ethnographic in-home studies, Dr. Edith Maier and Dr. Uwe Riss co-authored two research articles presented at the Ethicomp 2022 Conference at University of Turku in Finland. The theme of the Ethicomp 22 was the “Effectiveness of ICT ethics – How do we help solve ethical problems in the field of ICT?” The articles are published in the conference proceedings (link on conference proceedings) on pages 300 and 375.