Living in the Dense City: The Barcelona Riddle

After examining the long standing historic and contemporary cooperative housing in Switzerland, the students in the «In-depth study» module looked towards Barcelona at the architectural debate and examined what it means to live in one of the densest cities in Europe.


In the Spring Semester 2024, the following four specialists held lectures in the in-depth study module: ProfJoaquin Sabaté, professor at ETSAN, on the uban history of Barcelona, Rafael Diez, architect and associate professor at UPC, on his research and publications on Josep Antoni Coderch, Carles Baiges from Lacol architecture collective and Miquel del Rio from Mideri in Basel.

Study trip

The study trip took the group to Barcelona, where they spent 5 full days visiting important housing projects and exploring the urban fabric of the city. Starting from the earlier examples throughout the historic town and Barceloneta, with a highlight of two exceptional housing projects from Josep Antoni Coderch. Understanding and exploring the Cerdá plan while examining the success of the new “super-block” urban interventions, in addition to visiting contemporary examples of cooperative housing by Lacol architects. Together they also visited a recently completed project from H Arquitectes in addition to classics such as Casa Milá by Antoni Gaudí and Casa Block by Luis Sert. A very special moment for many, was visiting the radical architecture of Ricardo Bofill with special access inside La Fábrica and the Walden 7 . The combination and reflection on a range of experiences throughout the week, offered much debate and conversation throughout the semester and resulted in many fruitful and critical works on examining how Barcelona has dealt and changed with living in the city over the course of time and towards the future.

Final reviews

Final review by Evita Ratniece
Final review by Sven Leuenberger

Mid-term reviews

Best works

The module serves to teach scientific working methods and concentrated thinking and writing. It offers the opportunity to reflect in writing on one‘s own actions as a designing architect. The aim is to write an independent in-depth thesis relevant to the topic.

The rehabilitation of the pedestrian city by Evita Ratniece
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Von Strasse bis Hof – Eine Untersuchung tiefer Grundrisse in Barcelona by Sven Leuenberger
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