
Technik & Architektur: Bachelor- und Master-Diplomarbeiten


2020 , Master in Engineering

Smart journey of the Future: improving mobility experience

Victoria Zulauf


Master thesis focuses on the innovation of the mobility with the help of service design and foresight methods synergy, explains the actionable transformation process and shows how the company can achieve success in the future. Global trends and new technologies affect the life of people, they change the expectations and influence the way people interact with the smart world. The future mobility solves the weak and problem points in the journey, good moments are improved increasing the total experience satisfaction. Future smart mobility is a radical transformation for the product-centred company, it will change the customer segments, have a great impact on the business model and the company’s selling approach. The vision and roadmap were created to provide the actionable path towards innovation.

Studienbetreuer: Shaun West