Evaluate and integrate a new Innovation Process for Glory International Business
Cyril Streit
In today‘s business environment, innovation is a key factor for companies aiming for future success. This is especially the case in the cash handling business, where disruptive cashless technologies are flooding the market. Glory – which delivers secure and efficient payment systems – is being challenged by the increasing demand for cashless payments. New business opportunities must be discovered. Glory has therefore established a new vision for the next 10 years to expand its current business with new products and markets.
In 2018, Glory introduced an innovation process to improve existing products and
come up with products and services outside of the current cash management business. Due to different challenges in the development of ideas, a new process structure was proposed. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and integrate the new process in Glory. The process was developed in cooperation with the main process stakeholders. Afterwards, a validation
of the process took place.
The result of this Bachelor thesis is an innovation process guideline for Glory. This interactive PDF file supports innovation project managers during the development of an idea. Moreover, it should help to focus on the relevant ideas and provide the necessary information to the stakeholders.
Preisträger: Daetwyler