The mobility sector is currently undergoing a change, which has been triggered through transforming social behavior, more environmentally conscious thinking of the general public, technological advances and political instruments. Due to these developments, eMobility is becoming increasingly more important. In addition to the automotive industry, energy supply companies are trying to play a central role in this emerging and immature market. This Bachelor Thesis aimed the development of an eMobility strategy and the corresponding positioning of the energy supply company Elektra Sissach in the Swiss eMobility market.
In a first step, the macroeconomic aspects of the Swiss eMobility market, local conditions in Sissach and the current business situation of Elektra Sissach were analyzed. Based on the findings, various business options in the field of eMobility were developed. With the help of a Multi-criteria analysis, the most attractive and feasible business options were identified on the basis of differently weighted criteria and presented in the form of an eMobility strategy.
The eMobility strategy currently foresees the introduction of a Park & Charge offer. As a result, the community of Sissach will be provided with two publicly accessible and centrally located car charging spaces. In a further step, an eCar sharing service will be offered at one of the existing parking spaces equipped with charging infrastructure. At a later stage, the introduction of a tariff incentive system in the field of eMobility should be examined under the then prevailing conditions.
With the proposed eMobility strategy, Elektra Sissach can position itself in the local charging- and car-sharing market, without taking major risks.