Environmental Analysis of the Slovak Photovoltaic Market with Identification and Evaluation of Adoptable Business Models for Start-ups
Samuel Zálešák

This Bachelor Thesis was undergone with an industrial partner, Zenergy, a Slovak start-up looking to enter the photovoltaic market in Slovakia. The first aim of the thesis was to research the Slovak energy market environment with regards to political, environmental, social, technological, economic and legal factors. For this purpose, additionally to a literature review, market experts from various energy niche markets were interviewed.
In a second step, business models for photovoltaic start-ups were identified, analyzed and discussed. Identified business models include photovoltaic installation, operation and pay-per-use model, flexible utility systems with battery storage systems, grid-balancing services using a battery storage system infrastructure, energy trading platform operation and electric vehicle charging station operation. These models were evaluated based on market entry complexity, scalability, market potential, profitability potential and risk. A further competitor analysis was performed as well as a market entry SWOT analysis for the defined business models.
The third part of the thesis included a use case project, where a photovoltaic system of 31.2 kWp was designed for an electronics retail company located in Bratislava. Initial situation analysis, solution system design, economic and environmental analysis were performed for the scope of the use case project.