Energy Self-Sufficient Switzerland by 2050

The recent threat of Global Warming has spearheaded a revolutionary change in the way the world provides and consumes its energy. Countries all over the world are searching for solutions to minimize their own CO₂ emissions and implement sustainable renewable energy.
This report attempts to discover if it would be feasible for Switzerland to achieve 100 percent energy self-sufficiency, not just electricity, by 2050 using only renewable sources without the contribution of nuclear or imported energy. Literature research and the Swiss ENERGYScope Calculator tool were used to estimate Switzerland’s maximum achievable supply from renewable energy sources: solar PV, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal and synthetic gas. Estimations were also used to determine a realistic range of minimum and maximum demand efficiencies regarding buildings, mobility, industry and appliances. These efficiencies allowed the determination of the minimum and maximum achievable total final energy consumption. This led to the results of five possible scenarios, each comprising of the yearly and seasonal energy consumption, annual cost estimates and CO₂ emissions. This information was then used to conclude which of the five scenarios qualify as feasible solutions. These solutions were then further analysed with a SWOT and PESTEL analysis to determine the strengths/weaknesses and internal/external impacts of each potential scenario.