
Technik & Architektur: Bachelor- und Master-Diplomarbeiten


2020 , Master in Engineering

Direkter und indirekter ökologischer Aufwand eines Gebäudes während seiner Lebensdauer

Rebekka Merz


The master thesis consists of a life cycle assessment of a typical existing apartment building in the Swiss midlands. A life cycle analysis is used to quantify the indirect ecological expenditure of the building over its lifetime. By means of a software simulation the energy demand to operate the house is determined. Four different heating systems are used in the calculations to cover this demand and their influence on the direct ecological expenditure is examined. In conclusion it is shown whether from an ecological point of view a new replacement building or a renovation of the existing building should be favoured, and with which measures the total ecological expenditure of a building can be minimised. In the results, the refurbishment case is compared with new, modern buildings in timber and solid construction. The ecological expenditure is represented by the environmental indicators primary energy (non-renewable), greenhouse gas potential and environmental impact points.

Studienbetreuer: Heinrich Manz

Wufi Gebaeudemodell
Totaler oekologischer Aufwand