Summerschool Ticino 2024
Summer School Ticino is an annual workshop organized by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) in collaboration with the Istituto Internazionale di Architettura (i2a) that brings together international students from different disciplines in the alpine region of Valle di Blenio, Switzerland, for a week in late summer.
The students will work on real projects, on-site and in direct collaboration with local communities. Students will have the opportunity to be actively involved in participatory design processes and in the implementation and construction of their projects at 1:1 scale.
The goal of the 8th edition is to reactivate common spaces through a range of interventions ranging from architecture to public space and landscape. This interdisciplinary approach allows the integration of socio-economic and environmental learning related to the specific territorial conditions. Summer School Ticino challenges the participants to confront multiple facets of reality in a comprehensive and coherent way, with punctual but significant changes that can contribute to the development of local communities.
More information
Date: 25th – 31st of August 2024
Participants: Bachelor and Master students
Language: English (Italian language skills are an advantage)
Fee: 550.- CHF (including lectures, workshop, accommodation, one-day tour, meal plan)
Credits: 3 ETCS
Interested students can register until June 15, 2024.
Contact: Achille Patà,