Modulverantwortung: Prof. Natalie Plagaro Cowee / Pascale Bellorini
Lehrteam: Prof. Natalie Plagaro Cowee; Assistants: Daniel Giezendanner, Shehrie Islamaj
Understanding of Tectonics as a meaningful alliance between Construction and Architectural Expression, with its relation to the building’s skin and interior spaces. Analysis of tectonic elements through historic and contemporary study cases and critical approach about subjects related to sustainability and building physics.
The course forms part of a Trilogy: It is strongly recommended to also register for the following two modules:
- «Tectonics & Architecture» (TA.BA_ARCH+TT), project module : it allows to transfer the theoretical knowledge into one’s own design project
- «Architect’s Presentation and Critical Reading Skills» (TA.BA_AP+CRS), minor module: it gives support to the written exercise of «Tectonics»
Students following the International Profile are recommended to follow this English version and consequently register for the Trilogy, see above.
Guest Lectures: Sören Johansen
Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter, Copenhagen
Fr Nov 12th / Fr Nov 26th – 10:30-12:00, Zoom