Bachelor Advanced

Constructing in Existing

TA.BA_B_BESTAND.H2201 - H2202

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Gordon Matta Clark - Conical Intersect, 1975

Modulverantwortung: Prof. Natalie Plagaro Cowee (Englische Durchführung)
Lehrteam: Prof. Natalie Plagaro Cowee, Markus Röthlisberger
Assistierende: Pascal Hofer, Nina Hug

Constructing in Existing (Bauen im Bestand – Englische Durchführung)

Analysis work in small groups, study of projects dealing with the manifold complexity of constructing in the existing fabric. Focus on the architectural stance in dealing with the existing building stock, whereby the constructive, material and atmospheric aspects are considered in depth and presented by means of experimental, historical and contemporary study cases, reflecting the gained knowledge in own projects at the Design Studios. This course supports the following Design Studios with theoretical knowledge: “Building Inventory – Extended” and “Bestand”

For English version: Natalie Plagaro Cowee,
For German version: Pascale Bellorini,

It is strongly recommended to register for the 3 courses of the following Trilogy:

  • “Building Inventory – Extended” or “Bestand”: Design Studio
  • “Constructing in Existing”: it supports the Design Studio with theoretical background
  • “Architect’s Presentation and Critical Reading Skills”: it gives support to the written exercise of “Constructing in Existing”


Nicolai Bo Andersen, Professor MSO Arkitekt MAA

Zoom ID: 933 5406 5151
PW: 123

Fr 28 Oct, 9:00-10:15

Excursion ll
Repurpose - "Applying the Russian Doll Principle"

Auditorium Building Giuliani Hönger Arch

Fr 25 Nov, 09:30-11:30 a.m, Optional: Sat 26 Nov, time tbd.