Modulverantwortung: Ludovica Molo, Felix Wettstein
Lehrteam: Ludovica Molo, Felix Wettstein, Thomas Kohlhammer; Assistant: João Moreira
Extending Collina di Castello, Genoa
Cities, their landscapes and their buildings have, since their beginnings, been undergoing continual transformation, been built over and superimposed. The richness and density of the substance and history is comparable to the deposits of geological layers. More recent layers cast shadows over older ones; the history, the substance of a city lies hidden and in the shadow of the visiblepresent.
We are interested in the never-completed city, the city of layers, fractures and shadows, the invisible city.
The task semester for is to design a contemporary intervention for the Collina di Castello, a new layer, as it were, that augments and overlays the existing urban structure that has evolved over the centuries. This requires reading and understanding the palimpsest of the city.
How do I read and interpret the palimpsest of the city? What kind of shadow do I wish to generate? In what way does my project contribute to enhancing
the city?
We do not provide a precise spatial programme. This is to be developed individually on the basis of the analysis and the chosen urban development strategy.
The city as Palimpsest
Atelier F400
Excursion to Genoa
13th/14th October 2021