
Architecture & Material – Monastries of the Future, Baldegg Convent


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Highlight Modul Architecture & Material – Monastries of the Future, Baldegg Convent Kloster der Zukunft, Projekt “PermaKultur” von Pavla Nesvadbíková

Der Fluss der Menschen, die das Kloster durchlaufen haben, bleibt in Form von neuen Freundschaften, der Pflege der Permakultur und der gemeinsam angebauten Lebensmittel in den Klostermauern eingeprägt. Inzwischen bilden die Schwestern der Gruppe den festen Kern der gesamten Gemeinschaft. Die Menschen wechseln zwar, aber sie bleiben und sind in jedem Jahreszyklus präsent. Sie geben das Wissen über die Pflege des gesamten Organismus an die Neuankömmlinge weiter, säen dieses Wissen in ihren Köpfen und es wächst in ihrem täglichen Leben, wenn sie nach Hause zurückkehren.

Monastery plan St. Gall. Ideal type, Scource:

Modulverantwortung: Lando Rossmaier
Lehrteam: Uwe Teutsch, Yves Dusseiller,
Study Support: Gabriela Christen, Dieter Geissbühler
Assistant: Karin Ohashi

Christianity and churches are at a turning point. Many people in Central and Northern Europe have become alienated, for various reasons, from the Christian faith and church communities. Churches have provided a spiritual shelter for the population for over a thousand years. Today, they provide a home for fewer and fewer people in our country.

Many Christian sacred places have become redundant and a burden. Hence they must be used for secular purposes, converted or sold instead of contributing to virtuous lifestyles in a way fitting for a sustainable future. Against a backdrop of climate catastrophe, scarcity of space and digital transformation, church communities must ask how their glad tidings and sacred spaces can partake in a hopeful view of the future (see Alain de Botton, Religion for Atheists).

The HSLU was asked how the future of the monastic landscape in Central Switzerland should be designed. We would like to address this question in our studio with regard to Baldegg Convent as a role model, perhaps even over the course of a whole year – the duration remains to be seen.

The keynotes also focus on the Baldegg Monastery. Participation in the keynotes is required for this Design Studio.



Site Visit

22.09.22, 09:45, Baldegg Convent