Start Datum & Uhrzeit: 8.9.21 / 9.00
Ort: MediaDock
Dank Digitalskills, “Teaching Networked Photography in the Digital Age”, einer Förderung durch swissuniversities können wir im Herbst drei A.I. Workshops im MediaDock in den Themenbereichen Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning und Machine Vision anbieten.
Wir konnten Guillaume Massol, Nicolas Malevé und Derrick Schultz für jeweils zwei- bis dreitägige Inputs gewinnen. In ihren Workshops beschäftigen wir uns mit diesen Technologien versuchen zu verstehen wie sie von Künstler*innen oder Designer*innen genutzt werden können. Beide Workshops sind als allgemeine Einführungen gedacht, stehen allen Studierenden offen und finden anfangs September statt. Es sind keine besonderen Kenntnisse erforderlich – dennoch kann ein grundlegendes Verständnis der Programmierung (Javascript) sehr hilfreich sein. Es ist also eine grossartige Chance, dein Wissen in diesem Feld zu vertiefen und selber mit einem praktischen Projekt zu starten.
Nach dem Besuch von beiden Workshops kannst du bei Guillaume an der vertiefenden Abendklasse teilnehmen.
Nach dem Besuch von beiden Workshops kannst du bei Guillaume an der vertiefenden Abendklasse teilnehmen.
Speeding through millions of images, how algorithms learn vision
Nicolas Malevé
8. + 9. Sept. 2021
In this workshop you will explore the large photo collections used to teach machines vision. In fact, you will look into how they are assembled, where they come from, how they can become objects of inquiry or material for creation.
We will also explore what it means to look at those extraordinary amount of images and what it means to see at speed. With this workshop we will playfully learn about the importance of images and in particular photographs, for teaching computers how to see. We will experience what kind of vision and speed correspond to the model of vision used by algorithms. This will allow us to ask new questions about the evolution of the technology that constitute a key component of our visual practices as artists and citizens.
We will also explore what it means to look at those extraordinary amount of images and what it means to see at speed. With this workshop we will playfully learn about the importance of images and in particular photographs, for teaching computers how to see. We will experience what kind of vision and speed correspond to the model of vision used by algorithms. This will allow us to ask new questions about the evolution of the technology that constitute a key component of our visual practices as artists and citizens.
Introduction into Machine Learning, Machine Vision and Artificial Intelligence
Guillaume Massol
13. + 14. Sept. 2020
13. + 14. Sept. 2020
In Guillaume’s workshop, you will learn how Machine Learning Learning works in practice. After a short introduction, you will be provided with an AI toolkit to try out different models and explore their different Application. Once you are familiar enough with the tools that we will be using will be, you will work on creating your own custom Machine Learning experiments.
After that introduction, it is possible to deepen your knowledge: If you want to deepen your knowledge in this area after the introductory workshops in September, it is possible to participate in a followup course by Guillaume @ Digital Ideation.
Artificial Images Workshop
Derrick Schultz
04. + 11. + 18.10
This 3-part workshop will cover the basics of understanding machine learning and creating machine learning art. We’ll cover the basic concepts of ML models, then look at how to use Google Colab to run existing models. From there we’ll look at how to train our own machine learning models using a dataset we create, and then explore various properties of our custom model to create unique images ad video.