World Collaborative Mobility Congress: Travel Grants for Students…. (Demo)

News from research and action partner «Mobilitätsakademie»: Just consider joining!

On the 5th and 6th May 2014 the mobility academy organises for the first time the College for Collaborative Mobility „cocomo“ – a two day workshop for students, sponsored by the Swiss Post. Fifteen students will develop their ideas related to the topic of collaborative mobility and come together with important decision-makers of the Swiss mobility world. The aim of the workshop is to develop „Basic points for a collaborative urban traffic system using the example of Bern» in groups and under the guidance of economy, science and policy experts. There will probably be the following groups (i.e. thematic focal points): Group A: ‘technological and building infrastructures’, Group B: ‘user demand and public relations’, Group C: ‘service providers and business models’. The results of this group work will be presented at the 2. World Collaborative Mobility Congress on 7th and 8th May 2014 (the two days following the “cocomo”).

Ultimately, “cocomo” wants to support future COCOMO%20-%20Plakat_v3_engl._Ausschreibung.pdf mobility experts in the practical development of sustainable mobility concepts and to give students the chance to profit from the know-how of experts while the experts in return receive an important insight in the students’ way of thinking about transportation and related topics.


You can find all information regarding the “cocomo” following below link.