Vote now: PlasticTwist ideas competition

The PlasticTwist Design Challenge is the Eurovision equivalent for the best ideas for revaluating plastic waste. Launched in each of the 3 pilot countries, Netherlands, Greece and Switzerland, it has given rise to a set of wonderful, innovative, and cool ideas. 

Now it is time to select the best for each pilot and we need you to help is with this.

Check out the ideas: Swiss ideasDutch ideasGreek ideas.

How does it work:

  1. Check out the ideas for each pilot
  2. Select the one you like most and like or share on your social media.
  3. Please use the hashtags #SwissPlasticTwistIdeas (for the ideas from Switzerland) #DutchPlasticTwistIdeas (for the one from the Netherlands) and #GreekPlasticTwistIdeas (for the ones from Greece)

A like counts for 1 vote, a share for 3 votes.