PlasticTwist goes HUMUS sapiens: Open Soil Research

In September 2018, a series of workshops of the Humus Sapiens Open Soil Research tour took place in Switzerland and Germany. Chris Obrist, Julie Harboe and Urs Gaudenz from the #PlasticTwist project hosted one of them in FabLab Lucerne and participated in another one in Stuttgart, Gemany, where they brought in the findings from Lucerne.

All workshops were led by Julian Chollet (Molecular biologist) und Josephine Blersch (Ph.D. student, teacher, actor) who are part of the society mikroBIOMIK. At 29.09.2018, they visited the FabLab Luzern and explored together with an enthusiastic group the themes of soil ecology and microplastics. With the participation of Labor Lucerne, GaudiLabs, Gasthaus: Fermentation and Bacteria and Hackuarium we produced tools to analyze and #ReclaimPlastic and saw microplastics in live probes under the microscope and right around the corner in macroscope in the local environment. As UNenvironment reported in April 2018, terrestrial microplastic pollution may far exceed marine pollution.