DiBuDeCo-Project with theme «Power to the masses» completed

Once more, the participating teams of this year’s DiBuDeCo-project created interesting and challenging ideas. One group designed a communication indicator to wear when telecommuting or for long distance travels. Another group designed the «X-brush», a special tooth brush designed to reduce waste, and increase entertainment during its use. Another group developed a handy, transportable and practical brush. Other ideas were about a portable oven from sustainable materials, a hydro charger, and a smart calendar and schedule system. The participants were able to train their skills in systematically collecting feedback, using up-to-date media to share concepts and internationally network, brainstorm ideas, creating and crafting prototypes by the use of do it yourself techniques and FabLab devices. The project followed concepts of «Design Thinking» and «Lean Startup» and was designed as action learning project within the course «Organization Design» within the International Bachelor of Science in Business Administration of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The project was realized together with the platform Omanet, the Labor Luzern, and as an initiative of the interdisciplinary initiative ‹Future Laboratory CreaLab›. In the end, again a great learning experience with highly entertaining moderation and interesting as well as unusual ideas that may become future products.

brushSWADE Board PrototypHydroPowerCharger_2_Lord of the Things