Master Architektur

Architecture & Structure


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Highlight Modul Architecture & Structure „Il Pedone“, Dugald Gardner

Viadotto Sul Polcevera (Morandi Bridge), 1960 - 67 (Photo: Arno Hammacher, 1967)

Modulverantwortung: Ludovica Molo, Felix Wettstein
Lehrteam: Ludovica Molo, Felix Wettstein, Thomas Kohlhammer
Assistant: João Moreira

Line and circle to point

The gasometer of Campi, Genoa

After working on the oldest district in the city last semester, we now are moving towards the urban periphery. In the lower Val Polcevera, in the western part of Genoa, affected by the tragedy of the fall of the Morandi bridge, we find ourselves in a loosely woven web of infrastructure, industrial heritage, workers’ districts and old countryside villas. The gasometer of Campi is the point of departure and focus of our design work. We will be seeking to imbue this monument of industrial history with new meaning and establish a connection between it and the new bridge designed by Renzo Piano and the new plan for the park of Polcevera, by Stefano Boeri. Correspondingly, the task must be tackled on two levels: one focuses on the object and the other on urban planning. A neighbourhood overshadowed by its dramatic history is to be led into a better future.

How can the gasometer be tackled, a monument of Genoa‘s industrial history? In what way does my project contribute to enriching the existing urban structure?  

We are deliberately not providing an exact spatial programme. This is to be developed individually, based on analysis and the chosen urban development strategy.


Line and circle to point

Thursdays, Atelier F400

Excursion to Genoa

16th and 17th of March