The Data Guardian from Sonova: A data science research project by Caroline Wanyonyi

The Data Guardian from Sonova: A data science research project by Caroline Wanyonyi

Caroline Wanyonyi knows the world like the back of her hand. The Computer Scientist has worked as a Solutions Architect in Dubai, San Francisco and Paris. She completed her Master's degree in Applied Information and Data Science at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and in this interview she gives us an insight into her research project. Find out why Caroline's heart beats for databases and how a good data governance framework can unlock the value of corporate data.

IntroThe Project | Results and Findings
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Caroline Wanyonyi, graduate of the MSc in Applied Information and Data Science at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

First of all, tell us something about yourself: What hashtags best describe you?


Tell us more about them.

#FamilyFitnessFun: Life in my 50s with a preteen and a teen is chaotic but fulfilling. We hike, ski, and bike regularly and prioritise healthy living and having fun in our family. Although it’s becoming harder to convince kids of the importance of healthy eating and physical activity, I haven’t given up.

#ExploreDreamDiscover: As a proud citizen of Kenya and the U.S., travelling allows me to teach my children about the world firsthand and to explore different cultures and expand our horizons beyond our life in our lovely Swiss village. Inspired by Mark Twain’s philosophy of living without regrets, I embrace new experiences and adventures.

#EQWithHumor: I strive for continuous improvement in all aspects of life. I have found the concept of emotional intelligence to be particularly enlightening, and it has helped me to grow and develop while always maintaining a sense of humour.

#DataDrivenLiving: Lifelong learning is a core value for me. I am always eager to acquire new skills and learn new languages. And I read extensively, which keeps me mentally sharp and adaptable.

Volunteering enriches my life by connecting me with diverse people and industries, fostering a balanced, community-focused, fulfilling and evolving lifestyle.

About your job: What do you do at the Sonova Group?

As an Embedded Test Engineer, I test the mobile Software Development Kit (SDK) application as well as hearing instruments. I find helping to improve someone’s quality of life to be incredibly rewarding. In this role, I’ve learned a lot about working with medical instrument firmware, software, and mobile applications, all of which I find interesting and enriching because it helps to better understand the joint benefits of healthcare technology and software development.

What did you do before and why did you join the Sonova Group?

My background in computer science gives me flexibility in the type of work I do and has allowed me to gain experience in many fields. Before moving to Switzerland, I lived and worked in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Paris, and San Francisco as a Solutions Architect for Oracle, which broadened my perspective and helped me develop my skills. I worked with clients on CRM enterprise architectures through all project stages involving hardware, database servers, networks, and operating systems. I was particularly drawn to databases and have experience with Oracle, MS SQL Server, DB2, and Sybase. After relocating to Switzerland, I paused my career so that I could focus on my family and figure out ways to best balance my professional and family life.

The Project

Please tell us about your research project.

I designed a data governance framework for Sonova by evaluating their current data governance strategy and researching various data governance models. This meant reading extensively, studying their in-house documentation and conducting stakeholder interviews to learn about the crucial aspects of this issue. I adapted an established framework to fit Sonova’s specific needs and conducted an interactive workshop to introduce it and gather more information. This workshop validated my approach and encouraged stakeholders to actively shape the company’s data governance strategy.

What data and method did you use, and what did you learn or hope to learn?

I used a mixed-method approach to engage key stakeholders through interviews and questionnaires to understand the data landscape and identify the pain points. My thesis included a detailed framework model, documentation, an environment assessment, a framework rationale, an implementation section, and a roadmap for further steps. The insights aimed to highlight the current state of data governance and identify the specific challenges and opportunities that are unique to Sonova. During the final workshop, we had lively discussions and provided stakeholders with a clear, actionable path forward.

When data is in flow: This illustration is about creating a data governance policy, which serves as the basis for the data governance framework.
From “Accuracy” to “Verification”: Caroline Wanyonyi used a word cloud in the workshop to provide stakeholders with brainstorming ideas for creating principle statements for the data governance policy.


Results and Findings

How can your insights help society?

Effective data governance is crucial in today’s data-driven world, but we often lack detailed information about how to assess, design and implement it effectively. My thesis addresses this gap by providing a clear and practical guide for organisations. Data governance is an ongoing process requiring resources, delegation and changes in the organisational culture. These insights can help organisations leverage data as an asset, driving value creation and ensuring continuous improvement. A well-structured data governance framework can improve data quality, compliance and strategic decision-making within organisations.

How would you like to pursue your project in future?

When I started the Master’s programme, I wanted to write a thesis that I could either publish or that someone could implement. My project remains confidential, but the next phase involves several preliminary steps for implementation. I am eager to be actively involved in bringing this data governance framework to life. My background as a Solutions Architect helps me a lot with managing the complexities of data governance.

How did your studies influence the project?

The programme offered a broad experience with various courses, including programming, leadership, human-centred design, data ideation, AI modelling, legal aspects of data, and cloud architecture. Each course covered essential topics, highlighting different facets of data science. Accessing high-quality data was a challenge throughout our project work, underscoring the importance of data governance. The programme covered both the business and technical sides of my experience, which I then applied in detail in my thesis by drawing on my knowledge of research design, interviews, workshops, visualisations and stakeholder presentations.

What advice would you give others starting on a similar project?

Start thinking about your thesis topic early and, if possible, reserve your last semester only for your thesis. Avoid rushing, as your thesis should reflect the depth of your knowledge and efforts. It’s a significant milestone, and you want it to be convincing and relevant. Maintain an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders and involve them at every stage. Set a realistic timeline and start early, as coordinating things with busy stakeholders can be challenging. Data governance projects are people-oriented and thus require you to engage with senior leaders. Having a client for your thesis means having a real-world scenario, which will make the theoretical aspects more practical and help you transition into your career.

And finally, what new hashtag are you aiming for?

#DGProgramLeader: I am dedicated to supporting organisations in leveraging data as an asset by implementing effective data governance and staying current with industry trends.

We would like to thank Caroline Wanyonyi for her dedication and for sharing these valuable insights.

Monday, 4 November 2024, online, German
Friday, 29 November 2024, online, English

PROGRAMME INFO: MSc in Applied Information and Data Science
MORE FIELD REPORTS & EXPERIENCES: Professional portraits & study insights

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